Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Today I kept busy in the Children's department helping shelve books and working in the Guild room on the reading database. Debbie has me going back through the Menominee list and cleaning up things. This time around I'm adding books to the database that PPL doesn't have adding call numbers, updating call numbers, and marking the 74 page list with call numbers. This is necessary to keep the books marked with dots. This allows for easier lookup and accessibility with children coming in looking for books that are on the AR school list. Tons of leg work for PPL just to keep aligned with the school. Since I'm the school person I figure I should do my part to keep things aligned between the school and public library.

I've gotten to know Rob who works in the computer room a bit better. He worked along side me for a while tonight on a different PC doing an upgrade. We also chatted when I came in tonight. He also helped me run copies at closing time. He and Nathan, a former student who I already talk to and know are the only men at PPL.

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