Saturday, June 9, 2007


Schedules sux! I've been trying to please two bosses, finish my coaching season this spring, finish school, while at the same time cranking out intern hours, and getting my library at school shifted into summer school mode.

I had a major scheduling snafu today - retooled my school and intern schedule several times. All said and done I had to protect my intern hours on Wednesdays in the month of June while sacrificing hours at my "PAID" job at school. As a result of my two days needing to be in Ft. Wayne for Golf Regionals this week I'm going to lose money. I'm already working for free for this internship and now I'm really losing pay!!! Too many irons in the fire!!

Today 6/4 is the opening day of the Auction. The staff is freaking out today! Parents and kids are coming in today and wanting to signup using the new software system. The staff having never used the system till now are learning the system while working out the bugs. I think this new administrative tool will eventually be a "good thing" for PPL. Staff are hesitant and complaining about it however they are quick to comment how time intensive the "old method" was and their glad they don't have to record all the data.

I'm looking forward to summer at school and a more relaxed atmosphere. This also begins the grind of my internship as I'm working 9 am to 9 pm each day with only an hour off between school and PPL. I'm leary I'll get burned out working 9 days straight at PPL, however its the only way I can get my hours completed prior to my Summer II class. I'll really be thankful when July rolls around :)

I wish I could update my blog from the library PC's at the end of each shift. I'm unable to do so due to the filters they have in place. Just another reason I'm tardy in getting this all in electronic format.

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