Saturday, June 9, 2007


I spent this evening in the Children's room helping with shelving. This is the most difficult place in the library to shelve as there are tons of special collection areas. Colored dots associate the many different collections and are intended to represent the 4 elementary school AR books in combination with their shelving location. While its a thoughtout system it's still taking me time to understand it all. To make matters worse I'm not an elementary or Pre-K teacher / librarian. I don't know the collection like the folks I'm working with.

I put the finishing touches on the web pages tonight. I felt very accomplished by the end of this shift as the whole thing is now a deliverable! After this I'm wondering what other big project Debbie has in mind for me. I'm hoping "they" get my stuff linked in with their management software. I've not spent time working with their software to know where we go from here.

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