Wednesday, June 20, 2007


The start of my last week!

This evening when I headed in I made a point to talk with Susie the director about getting around the library a bit. I felt I'd been toiling in the children's department and wanted to get out and experience the other areas a bit more. Linda in the computer area was picking my brain the other day about the website. Susie mentioned this as a possible thing for me to participate in; to which I was more than willing to lend a hand.

More than anything I feel I should lend my talents to the "library" before my time is up.

Linda seemed hesitant when I asked prying questions about her design and her layout of content. I could sense I was treading a bit and tried to be slow and methodical in my approach. If this project was going to move forward it was going to be me pushing it. Unlike Debbie who pushed a project on me Linda was kind of like take it or leave it. Before long I drafted a sketch of the layout for Linda to see what I was thinking before she left for the day. I hoped that would put her mind at ease; wondering if she was nervous giving up control of things.

After about and hour and half Linda was done with her shift and she left for the day. I sat at her desk and worked up a layout and homepage using Frontpage. It's been so long since I used Frontpage I was reminded of why I made the switch to Dreamweaver. FP sux to say the least! If Linda made the switch she'd want / need to purchase Dreamweaver which would require her to learn a new software, something she was hesitant about. Cost would be a factor too.

Having just completed L571 this Spring I was ready and able to do some more web designing. This project seemed like a great new challenge. Plus if all went well I'd leave a footprint of my time at PPL.

The most frustrating part of the night was having to work on Linda's PC with the clunky software. What a pain! I was yearning for my own laptop all evening! I'm definitely going to bring my own tomorrow; a full 9-5:30 shift.

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