Saturday, June 9, 2007


I spent tonight in the computer room with Linda. She's an easy person to chat with and has a grasp of reality it seems. She and I have more in common unlike some of the other ladies in the building whom I've worked along side with.

Well my task for tonight was to get all my hardwork on the web. I had to learn the software system, do some minor programming and test my web design metal.

I felt really accomplished! With an hour to go in my shift I had the project online and ready for kids to access. Linda wasn't much help, more of a cheerleader :) I got a glimsp of the hierarchy of their webserver and what content the library has available via their server tonight as I had to work within that system to get my project online.

While it doesn't employ someone exclusively I can see the need for a person at the library to maintain their web presence. They share the duty between a couple individuals, no one is the "expert" or guru. The most noticable flaw in their system / design is the exclusive use of MS Word as their HTML editor. Slow loading pages and complex tables are a staple.

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